Why Choose PemTel?
We are your local communications company - Owned and operated by those we serve!
Moving into a new area can be an exciting experience. It can also take some getting used to. If you never lived in an area serviced by a local telephone cooperative, you may be interested in learning just what a cooperative is. A Cooperative is a non-profit service organization owned and operated by its members… the people it serves. As a cooperative, our mission is to provide our members with the very highest quality, most advanced, telecommunications features and services available. And to do so in a friendly and personal manner.
The beginning of the Cooperative Movement
Cooperatives date back to nineteenth century England and grew out of the social unrest brought on by the Industrial Revolution. Struggling tradesmen banded together for the mutual benefit of one another. From these loosely knit groups sprang what has come to be known as the "Roshdale Principles". Today's successful cooperatives are still based on these principles.
- Open and Equal Membership to all
- Democratic control - One Member, One Vote
- Emphasis on service rather than profit
- Education of Members, Employees and the General Public as to the benefits of Cooperative Enterprise
- Community Involvement for the mutual advantages and a better society
Tangible benefits of your Cooperative
- As a Pembroke Telephone subscriber, you are a member/owner of your co-op.
- We are a non-profit company committed to providing friendly, personal service and the highest quality, most advanced telecommunications features and services available. While there are many benefits to being a member of a cooperative, these stand out about all others.
- You have a vote - You elect the local board of directors who oversee the operation of your Cooperative.
- You invest in your community - As a local company, money spent on salaries, buildings, etc. stays in the community, thereby increasing employment and further stimulating the local economy.
- You get a personal commitment - Your services are provided by friends and neighbors with a personal interest in the community and your satisfaction.